Friday, October 30, 2015

Sooooo many topics

Hi All!

I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.  I've either been sick (stupid flu shot gave me a cold--go figure!), working, or I just have soooo many blog ideas swirling in my head that I can't sit down and decide what I want to talk about.  In fact, I've now got TWO other topics I would like to discuss here.

1) The various wait list times in other countries

2) The public perception on the national waiting list here in the U.S.  Unfortunately, your average American has no idea what goes into being put on the waiting list and what entails an actual match. I'd like to go more into that and explain the finer details.

Plus, I have other things hatching in my brain.  Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Earlier this year, I started noodling with the idea about possibly starting a YouTube channel/vlogging for two reasons:

1) To use a different form of social media to educate people about transplantation and whatnot

2) There are NO YouTube channels of any kind from a recipient and showcasing their life and what it's like on a semi-daily basis. I think it would be extremely beneficial to those out there on the waiting list, to truly give them a glimpse on what likes ahead for them.

Great idea, right? Here are the main reasons I've been hesitant:

1) I stutter/stammer up the wazoo.  People tell me I'm not as bad as I think but.....

2) I have a suuuuuuper soft voice (thanks to vocal cord paralysis)

3) I'm incredibly self-conscious OF my stammer AND soft voice.

BUT.....on the other hand.....this idea has been floating around in my head, off and on, for the past few months. I love watching other YouTubers and learning what's going on in their part of the world and I don't know if this is God's way of telling me that I should pursue something like this or if it's just a fleeting idea or what!

Thoughts? Comments?  Thank you!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Decisions decisions!

Okay, so here are the blog post ideas that are swirling in my head:

1) Transplant and the Media--Part 2: I talk about how TV and film have influenced individuals over the years about becoming registered organ donors and how certain plots have affected those already part of the transplant community.

2) Transplant and food: How taste to certain foods change post transplant, what foods are a no-no for certain organs transplanted, how the possibility of donor's food likes influences the recipient, etc.

3) Transplant process in other countries: the difference between the US and other countries that perform organ transplant; the wait, how it's done, etc.

Plus....I had two other ideas but I'm totally brain-farting on them right now. Also, I'd LOVE to bring back my "weekly feature" where I put the spotlight on someone who is either a recipient, donor family, living donor, recipient family member, or on the waiting list.  LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED!!

Let me know which blog post you think I should tackle first OR if you have a suggestion for a future post, please contact me!!  Thank you!!  

Happy October!!

Happy October/Autumn everyone!

I apologize for the almost-month-long hiatus.  Life got in the way.  As you can see by these pictures, Autumn is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE SEASON!  Summer is gone (YAY!!), the weather is cool but not cold, you can wear sweaters and boots, eat grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, drink hot cocoa, yummy apples, the holidays are around the corner.....sigh. Total bliss....

Anyway, I've got 5 blog posts swirling in my head.  I'll post them/break them down in a blog in a moment, okay?

Thanks for hanging in there!  

Kim  :-)