Thursday, June 20, 2013

Maybe Baby

No, I'm not but it does bring up an idea for a blog post.

I've been reading friends' statuses or their comments in message forums and I just wanted to say thank you!  Many times, people (doctors, others in the medical field) are STUNNED when we female recipients bring up the desire to have a child of our own.  They go, "you WANT to have a biological child?!"

They just assume that because of what we went thru, our urge to have children must automatically go away. Um.....that's not exactly how it works.

You can ask my sisters, I've ALWAYS been a "mini-mom" and I started babysitting since I was 11 years old.  Heck, around my dog I refer to myself as "mama" or "mommy"--hello?!  Could I make myself any more clearer?

While I haven't seen the specialist around here just yet, I'm almost positive that bearing children, who will carry my DNA, is nearly impossible due to all the crapolita my body and I have been through plus, the drugs that I'm on doesn't help.  Does it make me sad?  Yes!  Does it provoke a twinge of jealousy whenever a friend becomes pregnant with their X child?  Absolutely.

(And for those who are reading this, yes, I *do* have moments like that but as long as you're not being abusive and cherish each child, I won't become crazy psycho jealous.)

I happen to have two cousins who happen to be adopted (in fact, one is turning 16 today! YIKES!). Do I see them as my *adopted* cousins? NO!!!  They're my cousins who happen to have different biological mothers and have slightly different bent branches in my family tree.  They're STILL family, just coming into our lives in another way.

I'm not an idiot and know I'm not any younger.  If I'm called to adopt, I understand and I'm all for it!  Who wants my short stature DNA anyway?  ;-)

So yes, I still 'pin' ideas in my 'when I'm a mommy...' board in Pintrest an still hope that I earn the title of  "mother" and will be able to leave a legacy in my child(ren) some day.  Hopefully, 'maybe baby' will become 'hello baby!'   :-)