Friday, March 25, 2011

You know you're a lung transplant patient when.....

I got this from The Power of Two's (Ana & Isa's) blog. I hope they don't mind my posting it. :-)

You know you’re a lung transplant patient when:

You have pills, masks and antibacterial hand gel in your pocket or purse <----to quote Meatloaf: Two outta three ain't bad.....(I don't carry masks)
Your signature looks like you used an Etch-A-Sketch to sign, because of drug induced tremors <---my handwriting naturually sucks anyway. Glad to know I now have a legitimate excuse! ;-)

You know your creatinine, lung function, white cell count, and prograf level intimately. <---*nods* yep

You talk to your healthcare providers like they are friends (or enemies?). <---more like enemies

You frequently spout out four letter words <----oh-so-true ;-)

Your cough-sniffle radar is on high alert in public places and you run away in hysterical paranoia when someone sneezes or coughs near you <----YES!!!

Your diabetes is a piece of cake compared to everything else you’ve been through <----another "yes"

Any day above ground is a good day <----hahahaha.....very true!

You honor and appreciate your donor family with all your heart (or lungs) <----very much so :-)

You freak out with any fever, wheeze, phlegm, shortness of breath, or pain in your lungs <---totally :-(

You are terrified of children because of their germs <----nope, I just use common sense
Your insurance company hates you. <---we have a love/hate relationship

You are an “inspiration”. <----I've been told this **blushes**

You have an excuse to weasel out of the dirty housework and gardening. <----yep, though I DO enjoy cleaning the kitchen

You love the wrinkles you see on your face and welcome every birthday. <----welcome a birthday? of course! the wrinkles? ....not so much ;-)

Your mind wants to do more than your body can. <--sadly true :-(

You keep your hospital in business. <---Yes and I'm not proud of that! :-(

You can drive to your hospital with your eyes closed <----LOL! Not literally but yes my sense of direction IS amazing. :-)

You have felt like hell and hated your body at some point <-----every day

You have felt wonderful and loved your body at some point. <----every day

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!! My answers to these are pretty much the same as yours, except I do some gardening sometimes :)
