Saturday, October 10, 2015


Earlier this year, I started noodling with the idea about possibly starting a YouTube channel/vlogging for two reasons:

1) To use a different form of social media to educate people about transplantation and whatnot

2) There are NO YouTube channels of any kind from a recipient and showcasing their life and what it's like on a semi-daily basis. I think it would be extremely beneficial to those out there on the waiting list, to truly give them a glimpse on what likes ahead for them.

Great idea, right? Here are the main reasons I've been hesitant:

1) I stutter/stammer up the wazoo.  People tell me I'm not as bad as I think but.....

2) I have a suuuuuuper soft voice (thanks to vocal cord paralysis)

3) I'm incredibly self-conscious OF my stammer AND soft voice.

BUT.....on the other hand.....this idea has been floating around in my head, off and on, for the past few months. I love watching other YouTubers and learning what's going on in their part of the world and I don't know if this is God's way of telling me that I should pursue something like this or if it's just a fleeting idea or what!

Thoughts? Comments?  Thank you!


  1. Kim, I think that's a great idea. I can understand your soft voice thing cause I have the same problem. That is one of the reasons I don't do public speaking cause then everyone is like "what?" "What did she say?" lol Maybe you can use poster boards to show what you want to say instead of actually saying it. I've seen people do that before. I think a YouTube channel with info for transplant patients would be extremely helpful!

  2. Kim, I think that's a great idea. I can understand your soft voice thing cause I have the same problem. That is one of the reasons I don't do public speaking cause then everyone is like "what?" "What did she say?" lol Maybe you can use poster boards to show what you want to say instead of actually saying it. I've seen people do that before. I think a YouTube channel with info for transplant patients would be extremely helpful!
