Sunday, January 16, 2011

Appointment This!

Hi all!
Sorry I haven't written in a while.  I've been working my keester off at work this past week and it's worn me out.  Also I've been feeling stressed.  Some of it is finance-related (which I've talked to the folks about) but the other I've only come to the realization today.  What is "the other" part of my stress?  Appointments. 

I have an appointment this coming Wednesday with my diabetes doctor.  Then, on February 7th in the early AM I have a coumadin clinic check-up (thankfully, my coumadin check-ups are now spread out to every 4 weeks) and then later that day, I have an afternoon appointment with my nephrologist (kidney doctor.  On top of that, I have an appointment on February 17th with my PCP for my six month check up.  Of course, before the nephrologist and PCP I have to go to LabCorp (yes, two seperate times) to get my blood drawn which throws my morning routine out of which makes me freak out internally! 

How do you all handle this?  How do you manage all of these doctor appointments and blood draw times without your head wanting to spin?  What do you suggest I do?

Thanks  :-(


  1. You just go with the flow and deal with had your transplant, what 15 years? You should be used to this mess by now :)

    P.S. Please get rid of the capatca thing!

  2. I'm canceling the PCP appointment. I hardly went to my PCP in Tampa; I only went when I was truly sick or there was something wrong (thankfully, that's very rare). Now it just seems like they have me there for my money and as their guinea pig--no thanks! So that will be canceled along with the blood work. Going to LabCorp three times in less than a month is NOT normal and it's a waste of time and money.

    P.S. Get rid of the what??

  3. Capatch, its that stupid thing that asks you to type in the letters or numbers when posting a on "post a comment" and you'll see what I am talking about. :)
